Create page and child pages via template

joris_monten_cegeka_com May 11, 2020


For our new team-site I was wondering if it's possible to create an page and 3 child-pages at once via the template.

What we want is the following:

- Meeting 11/05/2020
    - Meeting agenda 11/05/2020
    - Meeting notes 11/05/2020
    - Meeting documents 11/05/2020

I want to do this via the Create>template button but can't find out how to be done.

Additionally (if possible it would be great) if the datum is entered once it would also be entered in the childpages (title).

Many thanks!


2 answers

0 votes
EPS Software Engineering AG July 7, 2020

Hi @joris_monten_cegeka_com 

Our Page Tree Creator (PTC) can fulfill your requirements. You can create the page and child-pages by clicking a button. Even the date can be entered automatically by a default placeholder (tag).

You can find the Page Tree Creator App on the marketplace.

Stephan (PM at EPS Software Engineering AG, the vendor of the Page Tree Creator)

0 votes
Najjar [Innovura]
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 18, 2020

Hi @joris_monten_cegeka_com 

If you are interested in creating those pages from Jira, you could try our new app that allows you to create pages from templates through Jira Workflow post-function and store the Confluence page in a Jira customfield to apply more actions like:

Workflow postfuntions

  • Create child pages
  • Update page permissions
  • Update page content
  • Update page title

Workflow conditions

  • Check if page was modified after a certain status transition
  • Check if page still has a placeholder

And so much more.

I believe it would streamline alot of repeated effort on your team

Jira Confluence Workflow Extensions (JCWE) 

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