Could not install Gliffy as Confluence plugin

Luke Withell March 27, 2012

I tried installing Gliffy as Confluence plugin both using the .jar source and via the plugins link in Confluence admin, but keep coming up with errors.

After trying to install Gliffy I get the error:

"An unexpected error occurred. Please refer to the logs for more information."

After checking the logs the following message is shown:
"Failed to install plugin plugin_9013090556308106409_gliffy-confluence-plugin-4.0.3.jar"
Is this a bug? Or does someone know of a fix!
Thanks in advance.

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Luke Withell March 28, 2012

After reviewing the logs, I found the error: 'Getting PacketTooBigException Error 'Packet for query is too large' and after a quick google search, I found I needed to update the MYSQL packet size.

Thanks for the help, really impressed by the response and quality Atlassian support!

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What is the comparison with install and in browser? I am skeptical of these kinds of things from a business perspecive

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Keith Rockhold
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March 27, 2012

Hi Luke,

This sometimes occurs if there is a network or other problem with the Atlassian plugins server and your server. You may want to download the file directly from Gliffy and install it manually. You can do so from here:

If you continue to have problems, please contact me at


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Chris Kohlhardt March 27, 2012

Hi Luke,

There is likely something in the log file that can help diagnose the problem. Here are some instructions for generating a support zip file that will include the log file:

If you're comfiortable with looking in the log file yourself, you might find something that's useful that you might post here for us to review. If you don't find anything obvious in the log file, it probably makes sense for you to open a support ticket with us. Be sure to include the support .zip that you generated as that will be helpful for us to diagnose your issue. You can open a support ticket with Gliffy here:


-chris @ gliffy

Luke Withell March 28, 2012

Thanks for the help!

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Luke Withell March 27, 2012

Confluence v4.1.7

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Dennis Kromhout van der Meer
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March 27, 2012

What version of Confluence are you using?

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