Context Path Issues

Greg Thomas April 8, 2014

I have been having issues getting context pathing working in both JRA and Confluence and would appreciate any assistance as to things I might be doing wrong...

I am running the latest versions of both pieces of software in a standalone environment. Based on documentation that I have seen on the Atlassian website, I have tried the following steps in both instances to try and get the context pathing to work:

1. Shutdown instances.

2. Edit the server.xml file inside of the /conf directory:

Add /jira or /confluence inside of the quotes for path="" variable under the <Context> section.

3. Edit "Base URL" in each instance to http://<server>/jira or http://<server>/confluence instead of the ports :8080 or :8090.

4. Restart instances.

I have tried one or both of these and all combinations of them and I either get a blank screen or an error saying the location doesn't exist.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 8, 2014

Changing the context doesn't change the necessity to listen on a port. What you've done is change the applications from listening on http://server:port/to http://server:port/application

If you want to run them in Tomcats, you'll also need to change the port to 80. This doesn't actually stop it being server:port, it's just that port 80 is the standard for http, so systems assume http://server:<noport given> means http://server:80

The other trick is to stick Apache (or another web server) in front of it and use proxies (incoming http://serveris passed through to http://server:port)

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