Content Management Functions in Confluence - Review and Expiration dates

Greg Phillips
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September 8, 2020

I am new to Confluence and I could use some help.   In most Content Management systems you can set a review date or expiration document for a document.  It will push out a note to managers for that document that it has been a year since upload.  

Can someone help me understand if Confluence has this feature?

2 answers

3 votes
Mikael Sandberg
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September 8, 2020

Hi @Greg Phillips,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Natively Confluence does not have this feature, but there are apps that allow you to do that. I am currently evaluating Comala Document Control  but you have also Workflows for Confluence and other apps in the Marketplace.

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James Conway
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September 9, 2020

Thanks for the mention @Mikael Sandberg !

Hi @Greg Phillips, as Mikael suggested, one option for you could be Comala Document Control, the app comes with a Content Expiry Workflow and in our Cloud app you can customise this using the Workflow Builder.

If you have any questions, please let us know here or you contact us anytime at 

All the best

Senior Product Manager @ Comalatech

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