Consistent API to read permissions?

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May 24, 2024

Hi, I'm trying to get a list of all spaces with any and all attached permissions, however:

1) The confluence API returns user-ids and doesn't have a user-endpoint that resolves these IDs to actual names. Apparently the workarounds are to either use the jira or admin APIs, depending on the ID-format.

2) The output from the permissions endpoint is either incomplete or wrong (I haven't checked which one it is): Looking into the space permissions for users, I can see 2 "real" users and 5 accounts for plugins. Via the API, "type: user" only appears twice, for the same user-id, where I'd expect to see two different users with the administer privilege. "administer" does show up twice, once for the aforementioned user, and once for a group (that part is correct, there's one group in that space that has administer privileges).

So in summary: The permissions-output appears to be incomplete, are there any workarounds to this?

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May 28, 2024

Hi @Sebastian 

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As we may need some additional information and to not expose any information from your site here, we have created this support ticket to get in touch with you with the next steps:


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