Connect to Confluence over VPN

Steve Farrell September 29, 2011

hey guys,

I have Confluence 3.5.5 running for my company. We have 2 or 3 employees who work in remote locations. I am having issue with them being able to log into Confluence from home. They are connecting fine to the office VPN and can see everything on the domain. They can see the login page for confluence, but when they attempt to login, they are redirected back to the login page with no errors. If they enter an incorrect login they are told the login is incorrect. Has anyone else experienced this issue or know of a solution?



3 answers

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Steve Farrell October 3, 2011


After some testing it seems that I am able to connect from home. Seems to be a user level issue and not a confluence specific issue. Thanks

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Rayone Moyer October 3, 2011

I am using Google Chrome and vpn into confluence quite a bit from home. I have not seen any issues with it so far.

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
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September 29, 2011

Does it behave the same in different browsers?

I admit that I often bring up confleunence using a vpn and have never experienced this sort of problem.

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