Confluence wiki: How to paste multiple paragraphs as a single quote

Andrew White March 19, 2020

In Confluence Wiki editor (as of March 2020):


Scenario 1:

  • Insert quote from '+' menu.
  • type text in quote.
  • hit return, type more text
  • hit return, type more text.

Expected & Actual result: multiple paragraphs in a single 'quote' block


Scenario 2:

  • Insert code snippet from '+' menu
  • paste multi-paragraph text block into code area

Expected & Actual result: multiple lines (paragraphs) in a single 'code' block


Scenario 3:

  • Insert quote from '+' menu
  • paste multi-paragraph text block into quote area

Expected result: multi-paragraph quote

Actual result: first paragraph is quoted, rest is not

Question: Why does this not work when scenario 1 works?  There should NOT be wildly different behaviour between pasting and typing a bunch of text.


Scenario 4:

  • Select block of text (e.g. previously pasted)
  • Choose insert quote from '+' menu

Expected result: text converted into quote

Actual result: new quote inserted after selected text

(FYI: this doesn't work for 'code' either - it should work for both)


Is there ANY way to take an arbitrary chunk of text (including newlines) in a copy buffer and turn it into a multi-paragraph quote (without manually retyping all of it)?

1 answer

1 vote
Andrew White March 23, 2020

Workaround, for plaintext, on MacOS:

  • Open Mail
  • Create new message using plain text editor
  • Paste text into message
  • Format:Quote Level:Increase
  • Copy quoted text
  • Paste text into Confluence (at body level, not in quote block)


  • large block of quoted text!



  • Text must be posted at 'body' level.  If you post into an existing empty quote block, then the behaviour in 'scenario 3' will occur
  • This is a ridiculous workaround for something that should "just work"
Andrew White March 23, 2020

Update: further testing reveals that it's not just any block text, but specifically text containing bullets (other special characters might trigger the same behaviour).

When the parser sees the bullet in the pasted text, it triggers logic that goes "bullets can't go in quotes, so end the quote".

Better logic would be "bullets can't go in quotes, so just include it raw".

When I paste "quoted" text from Mail, Mail's "quoting" (leading > ) escapes the asterisks so they don't auto-convert to bullets and break the quote.


  1. special characters in pasted quotes should be translated to non-special characters, not terminate the quote
  2. quoted text blocks should allow bullets and similar formatting
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