Confluence user is not showing in Team Calendars, task list etc.

Paula Quint July 1, 2015

Hi Team,

Recently a person has been added to the LDAP directory as a Confluence user. And in the Confluence people directory you can see the name appearing. But when I want to connect his name to for instance an event in Team Calendars or if I want to connect him to a task his name does not show up. I allready disabled the LDAP directory and created a new one but still his name isn't there. We use Confluence 5.6.6. Below some screenshots.

Best regards,

Paula Quint





1 answer

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Paula Silveira
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 2, 2015

Hi Paula,

Did you try reindexing Confluence content?

  1. Choose the cog icon, then choose General Configuration under Confluence Administration
  2. Choose 'Content Indexing' under the heading 'Administration' in the left-hand panel.
  3. Choose the 'Rebuild' button in either the 'Search Index' section. 
    (If the indexes has never been built, its button will indicate 'Build' instead of 'Rebuild.)

Thanks and regards,
Paula Silveira

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