Confluence search results macro giving different results than text search does

Irwin Schreiman June 17, 2015

In confluence I enter the search "a AND b* ~10" and get 76 results.  I need to export the search results, so I created a page in a personal space and then added the search results macro to the page and gave it the same search (a AND b* ~10) with no other limitations. 

When I view that page I only get 10 results. What am I missing?

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Rodrigo Girardi Adami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2015

Hi Irwin,

There might be some differences in the index or some error in the macro. Would be possible to reindex the instance from scratch and check if the macro and the text box still shows different results? Would be possible to provide the Confluence version as well?



Irwin Schreiman June 17, 2015

I'm running Confluence 5.6.4. I've rebuilt the content Index.  Now the quick search gives 158 hits but the macro is still showing only 10.  It also looks like the macro is not parsing the ~10 (near operator) correctly as one of the 10 results I get has the hit highlighting showing 10 (from Chapter 10).

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