Confluence - "usage statistic" macro vs Global Activity - different results

Michał Wesołowski March 6, 2019

I have turned on the activity macro. Yet, there are interesting differences between the results of I got from the "Usage statistic" macro and Global Activity section, in the general settings.

I have set up "Usage statistic" macro to show all spaces (spaces "all") that were edited (events "edit"). And the numbers of edits are lower than the results from Global Activity.

As I understand Global Activity concern only Most active spaces, not all spaces. How is it possible then that the numbers are higher here?

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Michał Wesołowski March 19, 2019

The results seems to differt, quite a lot (e.g. edits on 18.03 or 15.03)


This is how the graph looks like for the current and previous week:

this week.pngprevious week.png

And here is the table with results from the macro, along with settings of the macro I have used:

views and edits all.pngedits all setting.pngedits all setting 2.png

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 19, 2019

Hi Michał! Thanks for providing a more in-depth reply for us.

Looking at your settings, we see that your macro is set to analyze the last 30 days. While there is no problem in that, in the Global Statistics we are looking at the week report.

When setting the macro for the last 30 days, all data from those days will be displayed. As a check, would it be possible for us to try and set the macro for the last seven days?

Since the macro is setup to 30 days with a daily report, it will always be different from the week report from global activity.

The results should be about the same (if not exactly the same).

Also, the macro is set to display only the edit interactions , meaning it will not display viewing.

Let us know!

Michał Wesołowski March 20, 2019

OK, but it doesn't matter if I set the macro on 30 days and the global activity to veiw this week results, becouse it is settings on spectrum of results: "how many days would I like to check". Later I check activities per day. 

Therefore, the results of edditing on e.g. 18th of march should be the same. And they are not: 

  • global activity diagram: 20 edits
  • macro: 14 edits

edits on 18th.png

Am I correct?


PS The options on the last picture corresponds to the right table, with the title "Edit all spaces", as I want to focus only on edits stats (viewings are more or less ok). 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 20, 2019

Alright! Thanks for explaining further.

Michał, setting the Usage Statistics "Restrict to these events" parameter as only "edit", will show how many edit operations have been triggered for the selected type of content. This does not include creation of pages or blogposts, for example.

Meanwhile, the Global Activity "Editing" graph does include creation and edit of such:

This graph shows how many pages, blog posts and comments have been created or updated over the current time period

If you need those to report the same number, we will need to set "Restrict to these events" as "edit, create".

Comparing those two tells us that 14 edits have been triggered and 6 page creations have happened at this date.

Please, let me know if there is anything else! Looking forward to your reply.

Michał Wesołowski March 21, 2019

Yes! Thank you, mistery solved :) 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 21, 2019

Great! Glad to be able to help you out.

If you ever have something in mind, come share with us here in the Community!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2019

Hello there! Thanks for sharing this with the Community Michał.

This is a pretty odd behaviour we have here! Let me start by dissecting how each of them work.

The Global Activity sector has some static parameters that will be looked into. For Editing graph, these will be taken in consideration:

  • create
  • update
  • pages
  • blog posts
  • comments

The Usage Statistics Macro however, is pretty modular and you can get pretty different numbers from it. For example, I have setup my macro to show all types of content, all spaces, for the create and update events in a one week time frame:

Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 15.52.23.pngScreen Shot 2019-03-07 at 15.52.31.png

With this setup, we will have the same results as shown in the Editing graph back in Global Activity:

Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 15.51.39.pngScreen Shot 2019-03-07 at 15.51.55.png


Further, the Global Activity sector does show you your most active spaces and users, yes. However, the graphs take in consideration everything that happens in your instance inside a given time frame.

As a suggestion, you could try to setup your Usage Statistics macro like the one I have shown here and then check if the numbers in Global Activity do match!

Also, could you send us screenshots of the Usage Statistics macro and Global Activity current data? As a last request, could you also send us screenshots of your settings for Usage Statistics macro?


Let us know your thoughts on this Michał !

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