Confluence - personas based documentation

avinjamuri August 1, 2018

Do we have any macros that help in designing personas based documentation ? For ex , in the main page , the user can select the role he is , lets say QE or Dev and then based on the selection the content comes up . 

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Fabienne Gerhard
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August 1, 2018

Hi @avinjamuri

welcome to this wonderful community. My first idea would be working with labels and use content by label macro. Content by Label
Combine this with a link or button.

Another idea would be categorize whole spaces with labels. Labels to Categorize Spaces

avinjamuri August 1, 2018

In the landing page , the user should get to choose the content based on his role . For example, a dev when clicks on the say "Developer "tab .. gets to see all content related to his role... Is there any way of doing that .. can we have a drop-down list box .. 

Fabienne Gerhard
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 1, 2018

Should the whole content (when chosen by user) be shown on the dashboard/start page?

You can easily create buttons that link to the Space or a landing page where content by label is used. I would prefer a page for each role to keep it simple.

Or you sort your spaces by categories and use the space list macro and let it sort by categories (this creates a dropdown)

avinjamuri August 2, 2018

When chosen by user , he get to choose the list of topics on the landing page and then based on his selection the content topics is shown which will be a different page. 

Yes, For each role there must be a separate page .. 

How about creating menus .. ?

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