Confluence page not viewable even though permissions are correct and no restrictions

Colleen October 10, 2022

I have a Confluence space with multiple pages, two of which fail to load. There is a group that I use to grant access to the space and me and the other user I'm working with both are members of the group and can see everything else in the space. However, when we navigate to the particular pages, there is a "You've stumbled on restricted content" message. And sometimes it also gives a "We've hit a snag. The issue should resolve on its own, but if it keeps happening, ask your admin to contact our support team..." I have also checked the page restrictions, and its currently set to "Anyone can view and edit."

Any suggestions for how to proceed? Do I just need to reach out to Atlassian Support, or this is something I can fix myself? 

3 answers

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Brant Schroeder
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October 10, 2022

@Colleen If you are seeing a red lock icon then a page restriction has been applied to the page.  If there are no restrictions you will see the icon and it will look like the image below.  

Screenshot 2022-10-10 202642.png

The page is inheriting page restrictions from a parent page.  See image below of example.  In the screenshot the lock is red and the restrictions show anyone can view or edit but it does say inherited view restrictions.

Screenshot 2022-10-10 202820.png

You can click on the link to see what page has the page restrictions applied to it.

Colleen October 11, 2022

Hi Brant, yes that is what I see, a red lock that is open. There are no page restrictions, but I still can't view the page. 

Brant Schroeder
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October 11, 2022

@Colleen If you are seeing a red lock that is open then it is inheriting the restrictions from a parent page.  You can click on inherited link to see what the page is that it is inheriting from.  

Colleen October 12, 2022

Yes, I already clicked the link, and I was already a member of a group that could view and edit the parent page. I also added myself there with those rights as an individual, and I still can't see the page. 

I am also unable to restore the page to the last published version in edit mode, and I when I hit the three dots to delete the page, there is no such option. 

Brant Schroeder
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October 12, 2022

@Colleen What space permissions do you have?

Colleen October 12, 2022

For the space's permissions I am both added as a user in a group that has full access, and I am added as an individual user with admin rights (green check marks across the board).

Brant Schroeder
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October 12, 2022

Can you explain what you mean by can't see the page?  If you are able to change the page permissions you are seeing the page, so what do you mean?

Colleen October 12, 2022

Me and the other users can see the Confluence space, but there are two pages that can't be viewed. When I say I can't see the pages, I mean they give either "You've stumbled on restricted content", or "We can't find the page" or "We've hit a snag" and says to contact an admin or support. 

The only way I can see the content/restrictions for the particular pages is to try and edit them. From there I can see the red open lock and I can see restrictions due to the parent page. But I can't do anything else like view/go back to previous published version/delete the page.  

Brant Schroeder
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October 13, 2022

@Colleen How are you finding those pages? 

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Colleen October 10, 2022

Hi Alex, I already added myself to the group that allows me admin access to the space. I know there are no page restrictions because I can go to edit the pages and I see the red lock icon that tells me anyone can view or edit. 

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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October 10, 2022

Hi @Colleen 

If you a space admin, you could see every page, and even if you didn't have any permissions, you could add yourself to see it. If you can't see the page, how did you checked the page restrictions?

I would probably contact Atlassian for this.

Colleen October 10, 2022

Sorry, meant to reply directly to your answer...

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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October 10, 2022

@Colleen if you see a red lock icon, then this page has restrictions which are inherited from the parent page. So most likely not anyone can view this page. See the parent to understand who can view it.

Colleen October 11, 2022

It is an open red lock and shows no restrictions. The parent page has the group I specified as able to edit and I even added myself individually as can edit to verify but I still can't view the page. 

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