Confluence - multiple Tables update

Ramu July 17, 2024



Dear All,


In my Confluence page, I have number of JIRA Tables like T1, T2 .. Tn .. (each of which has a simple JQL query differentiated based on a resource name):

the sample query in each of these Tables will be like:


Issuetype in (EPIC, Story) and assignee = User1 




Issuetype in (EPIC, Story) and assignee = User2 








Issuetype in (EPIC, Story) and assignee = User50 




Now, i want to add additional label OR a filter OR a condition .. like 'due <= 2024-05-05' in all these Tables(JQL query aforementioned) ..


Is there a way where i can do it at one shot instead of opening all the Tables manually one by one and updating it .. ??!!


Please help..

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