Confluence how to customize site dashboard?

PascalH July 26, 2018

By default and before connecting to our Confluence site, the menu on the left panel show all spaces including personnal spaces. Is it possible to change this behaviour by showing only site spaces.

Actually this is the way it works after connecting to our site. We want the same in anonymous mode.

How to do that?

Thank you for your help,


2 answers

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PascalH July 30, 2018

I have an other question: How they are classified ? They are not by type, alphabetical order or chronological order.

Thanks a lot

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Atlassian Team
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July 27, 2018

Hi Pascal,

If you want a space to be publicly accessible, the anonymous user must have at least the 'View Space' permission. To set space permissions, choose Browse Space Admin Permissions.

Have a look at the Article below for more information:


PascalH July 30, 2018

Sorry my question wasn't very clear.

Since we upgraded to Confluence 6.7, in anonymous mode, the dashbord shows all spaces with anonymous permissions: sites spaces and personnal spaces.  With version 5.8 we could see only site spaces even if some personnal sites were configured with anonymous access. Is it possible to show only site spaces on the dashboard before login on the wiki??


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