Confluence highlight of text mode have got broken in editor toolbar

Oleksandr Yashchenko
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November 23, 2021

1. Confluence Server version 7.13.0

2. STR: Open any document in Confluence for editing, write a few words.
Select part of such texts with special text mode (Iʼve discovered it with monospace mode, but subscript/superscript/strikethrough does as well) using button labelled A-with-circle-and-strikethrough.
One may also check mode presence in Confluence Source Code Editor (<> button) - with monospace, the text is surrounded with <code></code>.

3. Expected: when the editing cursor is among the text with special mode, the button is highlighted, showing presence of a special mode.

4. Actual: the button remains not highlighted. As result, one shall provide special efforts to view what text is tagged monospaceLC9JTmHgGL.png

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Brant Schroeder
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November 23, 2021

@Oleksandr Yashchenko Welcome to the Atlassian Community

I have the same version and can confirm the functionality you are describing.  I do not remember it showing any of those types highlighted in the editor toolbar in the past.  If you believe it is a bug or it should be an enhancement you should submit it to Atlassian here:

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