Confluence don't start

Josef Boudnik September 11, 2011

Hi, I have a problem. I installed jira for standlone packege. And I want install confluence on same machine. I downloaded confluence standlone packege and unpack on directory jira. After I edited conf/server.xml for jira and I added lines

<Context path="/confluence" docBase="../confluence" debug="0" reloadable="false" useHttpOnly="true">
<!-- Logger is deprecated in Tomcat 5.5. Logging configuration for Confluence is specified in confluence/WEB-INF/classes/ -->
<Manager pathname="" />

But confluence don't start. On page localhost:8080/confluence is system error

Log: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.atlassian.confluence.util.I18NSupport

1 answer

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 11, 2011

Are you trying to run Jira and Confluence inside the same Tomcat as Jira?

Three points on doing that

  1. It's not recommended or supported
  2. You need to do quite a bit more than just tweak server.xml to get it to work if you really do want to run them inside the same container.
  3. Jira standalone is built to run Jira, if you really want to run both apps in the same Tomcat, standalone is a really bad place to start, and you really should download a clean Tomcat, then Jira and Confluence WAR versions separately.

And we'd need a lot more info on your configuration of that to help you out - the contents of the conf directorty, the other files you've changed to set up your classpath, your full environment settings and so on.

If that is not what you are doing, could you explain what you are actually doing?

Josef Boudnik September 11, 2011

I want start both apps in the same tomcat. So I donwlonded Jira WAR and Confluence WAR. Thanks

I thought that Confluence is added to exists Jira standlone...

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 11, 2011

No, it's a bit of a pain to add anything to the standalone installations. It's much cleaner to start with an empty Tomcat and configure the WARs independently. You should be able to follow the instructions for each pretty much independently!

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