Confluence & Customer Service Decision Tree

Milton Yee
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October 2, 2022

Hello 👋

I hope everyone is doing well. I am wondering if anyone here has used Confluence as a decision-making tree knowledge base for Customer Support?

I work for an IT company, and one part of the business is providing Customer Support / Helpdesk.

We would like to utilise Confluence to be a knowledge base for our officers where they can easily search answers regarding specific issues which falls under a category or module. We would like to utilise it in a form of a decision tree with questions to lead the officer to the answer.

For example, Officer will ask a series of questions and Customer will answer them. In the backend, depending on the answers provided by the Customer the Officer will then be routed to the most probably answer.

Another capability we would like to consider is the ability and flexibility for Officers to easily add their own answers into the decision tree to further expand the capabilities of issue management.

If this solution can be done with native Confluence, great. Otherwise, 3rd party applications integrated with Confluence is not out of the question. An example of a 3rd party application is Knowmax: Enterprise Knowledge Base Management Software For Customer Service

Let me know if there are any questions.

Thank you.

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June 20, 2023

Hi @Milton Yee@Chintan Shah, and anyone interested in decision trees,

I am Daniel, a Product Marketing Manager at Kolekti (The Adaptavist Group - Atlassian Platinum Partner). We've been working hard for a while now on a solution for this unanswered challenge, and I'm happy to say we're almost there!

If you want to provide feedback on what you would like to see in a solution/Confluence app or want to get involved in testing our solution, head over to our page to learn more. 



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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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October 3, 2022

Hi @Milton Yee and welcome to the community!

A decision tree in Confluence would be a great thing! Unfortunately you can't do that out of the box. A 3rd party app would be necessary. I havent try the one you mention, but as I can see from their website, they currently do not have a Confluence integration.

But what is wrong with just searching with keyword from the Confluence built-in search field?

Milton Yee
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October 3, 2022

Hi @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ ,

Nothing is really wrong with searching a keyword, but it can time consuming because a search in the keyword may bring up thousands or results and all of them could potentially be non-related.

Therefore, a decision route method may seem more efficient with using questions to reach a conclusion. Basically, like doing a diagnosis because we're providing a support.

Thank you.

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Chintan Shah
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January 30, 2023

Hello Milton,

please could you provide more details. I am looking same solution.

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