? Confluence: additional add of group rights

Jonathan Vogel
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August 23, 2019


I'm using a Confluence instance with hundreds of pages that are not restricted ("Anyone can view and edit this page: At the moment anyone with the appropriate section permissions can view and edit this page."). All users with section permissions are included in a default group.

Now I need to add new users who can only access to one single page. I tried Google search and try-and-error but unfortunately I havn't found any solution, so I ask this question now in this forum.

I have already tried the following unsuccessful:

1)  New user not added to a group, but only added to one page -> fail, page not visible
2)  New user added to a additional group, group without group right (no "show all"), user added to one page -> fail, page not visible
3)  New user added to a additional group, group without group right (no "show all"), additional group added to one page -> fail, page not visible

Thank you in advance for an answer!

PS: I asked this question also at https://antworten.seibert-media.net/t/confluence-gruppenberechtigungen-nachtraeglich-einfuehren/1164 (in german)

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Martin Seibert
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August 23, 2019

Thanks for posting that in our German forum as well. You gave me some added context there. So let me wrap it up here:

  1. Think about your Confluence wiki structure.
  2. Create the spaces you need and configure the rights management for these spaces.
  3. Move your content from your central space into the spaces
  4. Keep the central space for all users.

See our German conversation for more details.

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