Confluence Upgrade

Matt Lundstrom May 24, 2019


We have a self hosted Confluence on one of our servers.

Confluence Version 5.7.1
Build Number 5781
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73, for redhat-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.1

We found the following warnings on the health check on the Confluence admin panel.

  1. Confluence is using an HSQL embedded database. You should migrate to a supported database to ensure your data is safe.
  2. Your maintenance period will expire in less than 30 days, on 30 Jul 2015. Renew your license to be eligible for support and product upgrades.


Let us know 

  1. Do you perform migration / upgrades for your customers?
  2. Is the MySQL version mentioned above supported by the latest version of Confluence.
  3. Please provide more information on the warnings / issues mentioned on the health check on Confluence Admin panel.


Thank you,

Mike T.


2 answers

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Matt Lundstrom May 24, 2019

Thank you for the information, Nic.

I was referring to the MySQL version on the server on which Confluence is hosted.
# mysql -V
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73, for redhat-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.1

Database Information section on the admin page shows the following details.
Database name HSQL Database Engine
Database version 2.3.0

Please let us know how to migrate the data to our own server. Ideally, we'd want to import it into MySQL or MariaDB.

Mike T.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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May 25, 2019

As I suspected, the 14.14 is the version of the client, not the server, so it's irrelevant.

Even more so, as your system is using the HSQL database and not MySQL

You will need to upgrade your MySQL to a supported version, then export the data to XML, reconfigure Confluence to use MySQL instead of HSQL, then import the xml.  You can do this before or after the upgrade, but I would strongly recommend doing it before as the upgrade can be quite database intensive and HSQL often fails when put under any significant load.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 24, 2019

Your healthcheck directly contradicts what you say you are running as the database, and you've said MySQL 14.14, which I doubt as the latest version of MySQL I can find on my servers is 8.something.  So I have to question where you got the version of the database from. 

At a rough guess, I think the 14.14 is possibly coming from a client SQL tool, not the server, and what you really mean is that the database server is running MySQL 5.1.73.  However, the health-check is saying Confluence is not using that database, it's using the HSQL database that it comes with as a "default for demo/test purposes".

Confluence 5.7 only works on MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 (see for all the other stuff it needs).

Whatever you are actually running can be established by looking at the database section in the system information page.  This should confirm what database Confluence is really using.

To try to answer your specific questions:

>Do you perform migration / upgrades for your customers?

My organisation does, it is a significant part of our standard work-load.  Atlassian themselves do not, although they will provide support for migration and upgrade.

>Is the MySQL version mentioned above supported by the latest version of Confluence.

No.  Neither the imaginary version you have quoted, nor MySQL 5.1 are supported.  The current version of Confluence supports MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 only.  See for the other supported databases.

>Please provide more information on the warnings / issues mentioned on the health check on Confluence Admin panel.

Hopefully, the essay above covers most of it.  The last issue on the list is exactly what it says - you are close to the end-date of your licence and should consider getting a renewal (so that you can upgrade in the future, and have Atlassian support)

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