Confluence Upgrade restore error

Leo Heo
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November 5, 2018

Hi! We are using Confluence 5.9.10 to upgrade 6.x.x 

I try to restore but I got an error java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not read fields for table AO_187CCC_SIDEBAR_LINK

how can I restore confluence?error.png

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Atlassian Team
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November 6, 2018

Hi, Leo.

The error that we are seeing when the backup is restored could be due to data corruption or probably, the database in the new instance isn’t properly configured. May I know if it is possible for you to rollback a step and start the setup wizard again?

  • As a precaution, please backup up your current Confluence home folder and storing it on a different path.
  • Delete everything under the Confluence home folder as we want to start the wizard fresh.
  • Depending on the database that you are using the configure your Confluence, please set up a fresh database so we start again on a clean slate.
  • Once your database is setup correctly, you can now start the setup wizard and restore the XML backup again

Please let me know how it goes on your end. Thanks.

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