Confluence-Table Plus-Makro Column width

Gera May 7, 2024


I use the Table Plus macro in Confluence. You should be able to make a number of settings in CSS here. However, when I set the column width, the macro does not take this width-settings.
I have several tables and I want that the columns of all tables have the same size.

My settings
I have entered 100% under table width. I tried also without.
With the column width it ignores the px or the % and adjusts the columns according to the content and that is so illogical.
The syntax should fit "width: "10%"

What i am doing wrong?


Thanks Gerald

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Brant Schroeder
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September 1, 2024

@Gerald König I would suggest submitting a support issue to the app vendor.  It could be that you have additional CSS from another application.

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