Confluence REST API expanded Body Storage structure Q - multiple value sections possible?

Nick January 20, 2019

Hi Confluence Page/API gurus,

I have succeeded in querying the REST API to pull out the full body content of a single record/page via:


my challenge is that:

1) the entire record/page content is stuck in single field vs separate values based on page headings/sections etc

2) our page content is typically several screens worth of long form text/tables etc

Q. Is it possible to edit the underlying page template structure to create another "value" section(s) to put content in (eg value2, value3 ) that can then be queried via API when is expanded you would see value (blob of data), value2 (another blob of data), value3 (blob) etc etc?

thanks in advance!


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Tobias Anstett _K15t_
Rising Star
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January 20, 2019

Hi @Nick,

The short answer is NO you can't.

I am not sure if there is a long answer at all... this is just the way Confluence stores the information. The API is already very powerful, e.g. storage is just one of the available viewing options, however all of them return a single value.

Best, Tobias

Nick January 22, 2019

Thanks for the response and confirming that is the expected behaviour Tobias 



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