Confluence - No option to Synch the User directory

venkatesh vp April 3, 2023


I have a user login issue. The user complains unable to log in to confluence. The user is not available in the crowd and if I understand correctly, if no user is found in the crowd directory, the authentication check will happen in the next User directory as per the priority.

I have a User directory and I don't see a synch option. So I would like to know how to synch the User directory and Why I am not seeing the Synch option, though I am the admin.

Confluence Version: 7.13.7 

2 answers

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venkatesh vp April 6, 2023

@Brant Schroederwe have 3 directories configured on the confluence side, in the following sequence.

  1. Internal
  2. Crowd
  3. Microsoft AD

I see an option, Synch for Crowd but not for Microsoft AD.

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Brant Schroeder
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April 3, 2023

@venkatesh vp Can you share some additional information about your instance.  Are you using crowd server or something else as your user directory?  

venkatesh vp April 6, 2023

Hi Schroeder,

Yes, we do use the crowd server. The user is not available in Crowd, So we moved the priority of the user directory above Crowd in the Confluence user directory. But I don't see any synch option for the User directory, but I see a synch option for Crowd.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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April 6, 2023

@venkatesh vp The Confluence directory is a local directory in the application so there is not a sync that occurs.   So if the user is in the local Confluence directory once you add them they are there and no sync is needed/possible.  

venkatesh vp April 6, 2023

@Brant Schroeder We have 3 user directories configured in Confluence in the following sequence.

  1. Internal
  2. Crowd
  3. Microsoft AD

Crowd has an option, Synch but not Microsoft AD.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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April 6, 2023

@venkatesh vp  AD setup through LDAP should have the ability to sync.  Can you confirm that the directory is correctly setup and working?  

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