Confluence Macro: Using confluence-content

Alex Church July 6, 2011

I'm working on a macro that I would like to print the title, an except from and a link to some article (from any space). It is designed to be used on the Dashboard to highlight articles of interest.

Given the "confluence-content" parameter type I assumed this would be easy, and indeed the widget in the macro creator makes searching for and selection an article very easy. But all this seems to pass through is a string in the format <space>:<page>. I haven't yet been able to find a way to use this string to actually select the appropriate page and use it the way I would like.

Any suggestions?

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David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
July 7, 2011

The string is in format spaceKey:pageTitle, so you can access the Page object using...

Page page = pageManager.getPage(spaceKey, pageTitle);

Use dependency injection to get the PageManager object

Alex Church July 11, 2011

Thanks. I was just using user macros, but have since migrated to using plugins, which provide much more flexibility.

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