Confluence LTS 7.19.x

eric.buttrum August 21, 2023

Hello all,

Our install of Confluence is currently at LTS 7.13.20.  I'm looking to upgrade this to LTS 7.19.x, but we are currently using MS SQL Server 2016 SP2 for all our MS SQL databases.  I see that LTS 7.19.x does not have support for MS SQL Server 2016.  LTS 7.19.x has support for MS SQL Server 2017 and 2019.  Does anyone know if MS SQL Server 2016 SP2 can be used?  Otherwise I'll have see is there is a lesser version of Confluence (below LTS 7.19.x) that I can upgrade to, that still supports MS SQL Server 2016.  I would like to upgrade to the next LTS release, i.e. 7.19.x though.  This is the preferable version.


EB. :)

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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June 3, 2024

Hi @eric.buttrum ,

here all information about Confluence 7.19 supported platforms

SQL Server 2016 is not supported so if you have some issue Atlassian will not support you. My suggestion is to use 2017 or 2019 version.


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