Confluence Installation Error "getComponent Spring Application context has not been set"

Philipp Zeuner February 20, 2014

Hi fellas,

I got stock in the process of installing atlassian-confluence-5.4.3-x64.bin on my Debian 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64. First I've tried emdedded database, than mysql with the mysql-connector-java-5.1.29.tar.gz and finally the integrated psql implementation. For (mysql|psql) I have used both times the JDBC connector.

I've already found the articles about the "root"-user problem. I'm out of ideas how to go on so I hope on fresh ideas from you! :)

I've installed the all-in-one package. The confluence user has full permissions on home and install directories and the process runs even manually as "confluence"-user

philipp@system:/opt/atlassian$ ll
insgesamt 8
drwxr-xr-x 13 confluence root 4096 18. Feb 11:25 confluence
drwx------ 12 confluence root 4096 21. Feb 11:49 confluence-application-data

Here's the Embedded Database Error snippet:

2014-02-21 12:10:13,008 INFO [main] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] contextInitialized Starting Confluence 5.4.3 [build 4732 based on commit hash f543bd9a3bbc12daed85f6f5e5cba84282599932]
2014-02-21 12:10:18,953 INFO [main] [atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager] init Initialising the plugin system
2014-02-21 12:10:28,822 INFO [main] [atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager] init Plugin system started in 0:00:09.862
2014-02-21 12:10:31,506 INFO [main] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] init Confluence is ready to serve
2014-02-21 12:10:38,468 INFO [http-8090-4] [springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] initWebApplicationContext Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started
2014-02-21 12:10:45,479 INFO [http-8090-4] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] <init> Loading EhCache cache manager

2014-02-21 12:10:57,100 FATAL [http-8090-4] [atlassian.spring.container.SpringContainerContext] getComponent Spring Application context has not been set
 -- referer: https://system/setup/setupdbchoice-start.action | url: /setup/setupembeddeddb-default.action | userName: anonymous | action: setupembeddeddb-default
2014-02-21 12:10:59,737 FATAL [http-8090-4] [atlassian.spring.container.SpringContainerContext] getComponent Spring Application context has not been set
 -- referer: https://system/setup/setupdbchoice-start.action | url: /setup/setupembeddeddb-default.action | userName: anonymous | action: setupembeddeddb-default

Here's the psql Database Error snippet:

2014-02-21 12:12:52,426 INFO [main] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] contextInitialized Starting Confluence 5.4.3 [build 4732 based on commit hash f543bd9a3bbc12daed85f6f5e5cba84282599932]
2014-02-21 12:12:57,546 INFO [main] [atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager] init Initialising the plugin system
2014-02-21 12:13:08,056 INFO [main] [atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager] init Plugin system started in 0:00:10.509
2014-02-21 12:13:10,254 INFO [main] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] init Confluence is ready to serve
2014-02-21 12:16:16,945 INFO [http-8090-2] [springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] initWebApplicationContext Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started
2014-02-21 12:16:23,222 INFO [http-8090-2] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] <init> Loading EhCache cache manager
2014-02-21 12:16:36,169 FATAL [http-8090-2] [atlassian.spring.container.SpringContainerContext] getComponent Spring Application context has not been set
 -- referer: https://system/setup/setupstandarddb-start.action?database=postgresql | url: /setup/setupstandarddb.action | userName: anonymous | action: setupstandarddb
2014-02-21 12:16:37,660 FATAL [http-8090-2] [atlassian.spring.container.SpringContainerContext] getComponent Spring Application context has not been set
 -- referer: https://system/setup/setupstandarddb-start.action?database=postgresql | url: /setup/setupstandarddb.action | userName: anonymous | action: setupstandarddb

Confluence is accessible via Apache Vhost with mod_proxy . But I've also tried the installation process with direct access on the application.

<VirtualHost *:443>
        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/system.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/system.key
        ServerAdmin webmaster@system
        ServerName system
        CustomLog /var/www/system/logs/confluence_access.log combined
        ErrorLog /var/www/system/logs/confluence_error.log
        ServerSignature Off
        ProxyRequests Off

        <Proxy *>
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all

        ProxyPass / http://localhost:8090/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8090/
        <Location />
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

Looking forward to your reply.


7 answers

3 votes
Benjamin Smith September 3, 2014

Same deal for me on Confluence 5.6.1 on CentOS 6.5. Permissions are fine (AFAIK). I install using Linux Installer, works fine on first load. When I restart Confluence, I get the "Spring Application context has not been set" error. I have not changed *anything*. Conflunece is running as a service, with its own user.

1 vote
SéverineC June 1, 2014


We have the same on production environnemnt.

Did you find any solution, other changing the machine ?

1 vote
Philipp Zeuner February 22, 2014

The situation is still a bit frustrating...I've decided to focus on mysql, cause this implementation type is my destination. But it's still not working...

I've restarted the process by deleting the user, init-skript and directories. Start from scratch.

I've followed the custom installation routine. basically yes and enter to everything.

I've changed to ownership to the confluence user, as proposed:

# chown confluence -R /opt/atlassian/confluence/
# chown confluence -R /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/

I've changed full read write access to the user confluence, as proposed:

# chmod u+rwx -R /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/
# chmod u+rwx -R /opt/atlassian/confluence/

After implementing the mysq-java-connector, I've restarted the the services as a non-root user, as proposed:

# sudo -u confluence /etc/init.d/confluence restart

I've activated logging in /etc/mysql/my.cnf and the log entries confirmed that the db setup is up and running:

140223  9:49:54    39 Connect   confluenceuser@localhost on confluence
                   39 Query     SET SESSION storage_engine=InnoDB
                   39 Query     /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.29 ( Revision: ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect'
                   39 Query     /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.29 ( Revision: ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment
                   39 Query     SET character_set_results = NULL
                   39 Query     SET autocommit=1
                   39 Query     SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'
                   39 Quit

What's still wrong on my system? Please, even if it's something obvious which I'm blind to me! :D

0 votes
Alejandro Conde Carrillo
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 9, 2014

This can be caused because of Confluence not having enough permissions to write in the data directory or also because you are trying to start Confluence as root.

You can find more information in Confluence Does Not Start Due to 'Spring Application context has not been set' in Linux.

0 votes
Ben March 2, 2014

Same issue here.

Finally Debian 7.0 x64 with 1024 MB RAM worked for me.

Same error inside the log file but the installation process completed.

0 votes
Philipp Zeuner February 21, 2014

Well, it's not time critical for me, so I've stopped working on it. I'll have a bit more time tomorrow for a second run. In case you have any further troubleshooting ideas please send me a PM. I'll post any progress tomorrow.

0 votes
metaedge February 20, 2014

Same issue here...have you had any success?

Philipp Zeuner February 21, 2014

Well, it's not time critical for me, so I've stopped working on it. I'll have a bit more time tomorrow for a second run. In case you have any further troubleshooting ideas please send me a PM. I'll post any progress tomorrow.

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