Confluence CLI Export Space

Antonio D'Errico June 17, 2014


i want to export a space over the console on linux:

this is the script:


# Change the version and spaceKeys

set oldVersion=23

set releaseVersion=24

set plannedVersion=25

# define spaceKeys in confluence

set spaceKey=INSPECTIT

set oldSpaceKey=%spaceKey%%oldVersion%

set releaseSpaceKey=%spaceKey%%releaseVersion%

set newSpaceKey=%spaceKey%%plannedVersion%

select confluence --server http://XYZ--user admin --password XYZ --action exportSpace --space %spaceKey% --file /root/

output on console:

./ line 20: syntax error near unexpected token `--server'

./ line 20: `select confluence --server 'http://XYZ' --user admin --password XYZ --action exportSpace --space %spaceKey% --file /root/'

Can somebody say what is wrong?

Best regards


2 answers

0 votes
TechnicalS June 22, 2014

it works now

Deleted user November 12, 2023

Sorry for asking in a this old thread, but what was the solution? I have the same error :(

0 votes
TechnicalS June 22, 2014

it works now

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