Confluence Attachments either producing wrong file extension error or showing wiki page in the file attachment.

Jeremy Neumann March 26, 2012

I have been seeing a problem currently with our wiki software that many attachments are displaying extension errors when other users try to download and view these attachments. The source files for these attachments are fine and can be used, but once uploaded to the wiki they start behaving as Microsoft Office thinks that the extension is incorrect. These files have been deleted and re-uploaded which sometimes fixes the problem.

Another problem we have been experiencing is that when an attachment is downloaded for example a file in Excel it will show the contents of the wiki page and not the file contents itself.

We have been seeing this problem the most from Windows 7 with Office 2010 and Internet Explorer 8. The file extension problem occurs in Firefox as well.

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Joerg Bencke
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May 10, 2012

Hi Jeremy,
no problem on my side here,. but we are using *.doc files mainly. Take notes, which document-format you are using and raise an issue in Jira. It sounds like a bug to me (follow the link in your wiki page down at the bottom)

If you get a solution or workaround there, post the link to the issue hiere at answers.


Jeremy Neumann May 30, 2012

Thanks, so far I have seen clicking the attachment directly will produce the error with Excel documents. If you click Edit in Office the file displays correctly. I will keep updating as I find more info out.


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