Confluence 5.5.6 server move, create page button now missing from header.

David Nicholls August 2, 2018

We had a server failure and so had to move Confluence.  It appears to be fully working apart from missing the button to create a page.

I have seen some suggestions about a possible license problem but it is reporting that we have a 25 user license and users are able to edit existing pages and add comments.

Our license support has expired but as it is a server then the license itself should be still valid.

Running on a Windows PC.

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Suhas P
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 2, 2018

Looks like License issue only. Try using Evaluation license and check if it works again just to confirm.

David Nicholls August 3, 2018

I applied an evaluation license which only messed up plugins so that very little rendered properly and made usage impossible.  Fortunately reverting the license has at least made the site accessible again.

Within the mess on the screen with the evaluation license there was still no create button showing.

David Nicholls August 8, 2018

I have now reduced my user count to under 10 so that I can apply a full 10 user license.  This has not fixed any issues.  I have the following shown on the main screen:


If i try to manage add-ons I get this:


None of the add-ons are shown so I can't do anything to get them going again.

I have tried re-installing confluence in case there are some broken files.  I have tried deleting the plugin cache folders and restarting.

This getting frustrating as users are now unable to access important information.

Suhas P
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 9, 2018

Check if the all directory/folder structure is owned by Confluence user and has correct permissions. Also check Confluence user or user running the application has permissions to run the application.

Also it is better if you refer logs, you will see more details. Do you see any errors in logs? 

If nothing works, good idea to contact Atlassian support so they can go though all logs and support zip.

David Nicholls August 9, 2018

I think (hope) that making sure that the folders were given different permissions has solved the issue.  After a server reboot it now appears to be operating correctly including being able to create pages.

Time for a backup now!


Suhas P
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 15, 2018

Thats good to hear. :) Did you know why/how the permissions were changed?

David Nicholls August 15, 2018

I'm not sure that they were changed, but it may be that when I installed Confluence, my login didn't have the correct ownership/permissions.

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