Configure mail alerts for the task module

Viacheslav January 16, 2019


I can't to configure email notification for the "Tasks" module.
I think, that confluence should send an alert via corporate mail when a new task is assigned to one of the users.
Neither the standard Task module, nor the purchased Todo module, notifications aren't sent.

I did an integration with the corporate smtp server, and test letters reach the addressees.

Please help to solve this problem.

2 answers

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Viacheslav January 16, 2019

Hello @Jakub Hanak

Sorry, I didn’t clarify, I configure module "Task" in confluence, not in Jira


Best regards, 


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Jakub Hanak
Rising Star
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January 16, 2019

Hello @Viacheslav,

Are you talking about JIRA issues? If so, you can set these notification in Settings --> Issues --> Notification Schemes. Configure the scheme and then assign this scheme to particular project. 

Best regards,


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