Confiforms: formatNumberWithLocale and smart multi-row

Bartosz Drożdżal
August 5, 2024

Hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ 

I came across an unusual case.
I want to pass values ​​from a multi-row field to Jira descritpion field.
One of the values ​​is the currency.
I use the iterateAndPrint, formatNumberWithLocale(en) and renderAsHtml functions. Unfortunately, I noticed that sometimes JSON cuts off parts of the amount where the string "000" appears.

My description snippet in JSON looks like this:
"Data \r\n |CIS|Currency|Segment| \r\n [entry.multirowfield.iterateAndPrint(|[entry.CISfield.escapeJSON]|[entry.currencyfiled.formatNumberWithLocale(en).escapeJSON]|[entry.segmentfield .label.escapeJSON]|. \r\n).renderAsHtml \r\n]|. \r\n "

My input:


My output:

What am I doing wrong?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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August 5, 2024

Hi @Bartosz Drożdżal 

Do you know when this "sometimes" occurs?

When I test this I see the number formatted correctly

Create a view over your form to see how the data is rendered for each row in ConfiForms

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 13.22.33.png

May be this way you will get an idea about the "difference" and that will help you to understand when/why this happens


Bartosz Drożdżal
August 5, 2024

@Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ 

When it comes to confluence, everything looks correct.
Data is not displayed correctly in the Jira task.

The output screenshot comes from Jira.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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August 5, 2024

Then it is something to look into in Jira... I afraid

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