Confiforms: filtering the choices in smart dropdown from another form

Bartosz Drożdżal
November 6, 2023


How can i filter choices in Smart Dropdown field?
I tried to apply filter like:
field_to_filter:1 OR field_to_filter:2 OR  field_to_filter:3 but it doesnt work.

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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November 6, 2023

Hi @Bartosz Drożdżal 

Are you talking about filtering out the options from the dropdown field in the form UI?

You can do that with the rule -


Bartosz Drożdżal
November 6, 2023

I used your method from this

I have two froms:
form1 with date
form2 with smart dropdown

How can i filter dropdown from form2?

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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November 6, 2023

By implementing an "Apply filter on field" rule. Adding it into the form2 form definition and setting it to filter on the smart dropdown field

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