Confiforms: Remove Summary from Jira Issue displayed in TableView

Sumeet Nale May 24, 2022

By default, the Jira Issue in Confiforms TableView is displayed as Key-Summary-Status.

Although I know this is not possible, is there anyway I can show only Jira Issue Key-Status in the table and still be able to in line-edit and search the Jira Issue?

I saw this field "Limit to these fields when fetching issues" and tried to pass myIssue.key, myIssue.status but it doesn't seem to be working.

Any ideas here? Please help!

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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May 24, 2022


With Jira field in ConfiForms you can access any property a referenced Jira issue has



Sumeet Nale May 24, 2022

Thanks Alex!

But they won't allow a user to change the Jira Issue once the form is submitted. That is why I need the editability on Jira Issue field which unfortunately comes with a summary.

May be there isn't any solution yet. I saw this related JIRA in CONFCLOUD:

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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May 24, 2022

CONFCLOUD bug is not related to ConfiForms.

And as I understand your question is about ConfiForms app and it's Jira field, right?

As for "editability" - are you talking about inline individual edits or something like that (this is server based only, so it makes me very confused seeing the question tagged as cloud, but seems to be server/dc functionality related)?

Sumeet Nale May 26, 2022

Hi Alex, I apologise for tagging the question to the cloud and for the late reply.

This is about the inline edit the form entries in TableView for tagged Jira Issue. It comes with a default view of Issuekey-Summary-Status. But it allows the inline edit.

When I hide this column and get only the Issuekey using something like myJira.key, the inline edit and jira lookup is not possible.

The only is issue with the default view of Issuekey-Summary-Status is that it takes up a lot of space in the table.

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