Confiforms IFTTT Trigger onCreated not firing

Jane Smith January 30, 2024

Hi, I have an IFTTT trigger that isn't firing despite meeting conditions.

We have a service database that accepts requests and sets the status to ACCEPTED should it meet specific conditions.

Here is an example below. If the submission due date is at least 3 weeks from today's date, then set status to ACCEPTED.



Choose Action to perform

Create / Update ConfiForms Entry

Fire IFTTT action only when this condition/filter is met


Parameters to set on the entry


We've have different date criteria but overall the same layout for IFTTT triggers. I've noticed lately that this does not always trigger properly, though there was no issues in the past. For example, if we submit a request for sometime in March, the record will be recorded but the status does not update to ACCEPTED, and therefore, the relational IFTTT email trigger does not fire (this email lets the team know there's been a new submission and is fired onModified).

There are 3 actions that are not firing:

1. Update status to ACCEPTED (onCreated)

2. Send submitter a confirmation email (onCreated)

3. Send team notice email (onModified (from onCreated parameters set on the entry))

Other criteria for onCreated include a status set to DECLINED should the request fail to meet criteria. The expected actions for DECLINED are the same as above.

Any idea why this could be happening? Is it in relation to the date (farfetched, but is the due date too far out)?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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January 30, 2024


Hard to tell without seeing complete configuration, but you can check which IFTTTs and in what order get executed

This should help you to understand what is going on

You can also open a ticket with us

Although we cannot debug and design forms for customers we can look into specific issues to see if there is some misconfiguration or something like that which can be spotted and fixed


Jane Smith February 2, 2024

Thanks, @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ I am reaching out to our Admin team to see if they can allow the debug feature. Is it possible that our page is growing too large with records? It's interesting that it all of a sudden stopped working when it was fine just a couple weeks ago. I've also created a duplicate of the form and all functions are working as intended.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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February 2, 2024

What we have seen is that most often the email server response times or/and availability could be the cause of lots of drama

Dont know how those IFTTTs are configured, but consider using the Confluence email queue (option in the macro parameters).

But again, having a debug enabled will show you what IFTTTs were executed, in which order and execution time. This is really the best advise I can give (or to open a support ticket with us, sharing a complete configuration of the form, so we can have a look and try to help)


Jane Smith January 13, 2025

Hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ revisiting this thread. I believe this wasn't a server issue, but rather the way my Confiform was setup.

We have the STATUS field to be automatically set to PENDING or DECLINED onCreated. In-line Edits are enabled for ease of updating for the team. The entry.user is also able to edit their record if they want to update information. However, we do not want the entry.user to be able to update the STATUS, so the STATUS was Editable only by group "REVIEWERS". Because it was only editable by group REVIEWERS, the IFTTT to update the STATUS onCreated was not firing. By disabling the editable only by group REVIEWERS, the STATUS has been successfully firing. The issue is now entry.user can update the STATUS. How can I approach this where the entry.user cannot update the STATUS but the IFTTT will still trigger?

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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January 14, 2025

Hi @Jane Smith 

I suggest to move the logic of setting the value for the restricted status field to ConfiForms IFTTT

Basically setting it to update the field conditionally via this IFTTT rule (one for each case - pending/declined) and this IFTTT needs to be set (via the macro parameter) to bypass field permissions and restrictions

This way you will be able to modify the restricted field


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