Confiforms Checkbox Group Values

Randy Frennette January 10, 2024

Hello, having some trouble.  I have a bunch of fields and they are all Checkbox group (ID 1, Label=Yes, ID 2, Label=No)  I simply want a field definition rule that will "Set Value" in my Total Field instead of it showing the formula.  The formula evaluates correctly so I was expecting Total to equal 1 + 1 for a total of 2?  The formula I cannot create is to calculate the number of checkboxes with "Yes" checked.  I am aware the formula will go into "Value to Set" Total = (EQUALS("[entry.Response1]", "Yes") + EQUALS("[entry.Response2]","Yes") + ....) where sum is all of the fields that are equal to "Yes" which I thought may evaluate to 1 if true and 0 if false.

Any direction would be appreciated.



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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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January 11, 2024

Hi @Randy Frennette 

If I understand you correctly then you will need to use the "Set Expression" rule instead and have someting like

Total=([entry.Response1] + [entry.Response2])


Randy Frennette January 11, 2024

Gives me the following: error com.vertuna.confluence.plugins.confiforms.util.Expression$ExpressionException: Too many operators or functions at: +

However I got it working with this:

Total=ZEROIFEMPTY("[entry.Response1.label:Yes]") + ZEROIFEMPTY("[entry.Response2.label:Yes]")

Please confirm the following:

  1. ID appears to be the value of the label.  I thought it was just a key.  For example. I have Checkbox Group ID 1 = Label Yes and ID 0 = Label No. In Set Expression rule above it adds up to 2 which is perfect.  If I change ID 2 = Label Yes it add to 4. This is wonderful to evaluate different weightings of questions. I could say Response1 answer yes is worth 1 point where a more important Response2 could be worth 3 points.
  2. The adding of ZEROIFEMPTY got rid of an error on total line when form loads and nothing checked yet.
Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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January 15, 2024

Well, if you allow empty values then - Yes, you need to account and handle that and ZEROIFEMPTY is a good helper function

ConifForms stores IDs that you define for your choice based fields

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