Confiform expression

Peiman Parsa June 24, 2024



Dear all,

We have a "ConfiForms Field Definition" with the name "Status" and the following expression:

IF([entry.OrderingNonEu] && NOT([entry.NonEuIsOkay.upperCase()]),1,IF( NOT([entry.Approved.upperCase()] && [entry.Approved2.upperCase()] && ZEROIFEMPTY("[entry.Necessary]")),2,IF( NOT([entry.NetValue]<10000 || [entry.ApprovedByDirector.upperCase()]),3,IF( NOT([entry.Committed.upperCase()]),4,IF( NOT([entry.PartialInvoicesPaid.upperCase()]) && NOT([entry.DeliveryCompleted.upperCase()] && [entry.DocumentsComplete.upperCase()]),5,IF( NOT([entry.DeliveryCompleted.upperCase()] && [entry.DocumentsComplete.upperCase()]),6,IF( NOT([entry.Completed.upperCase()] && [entry.PaymentDone.upperCase()]),7,IF( NOT(NOT([entry.InventoryNecessary.upperCase()]) || [entry.InventoryStickerDone.upperCase()] && [entry.InventoryDone.upperCase()]),8,9))))))))

When we register the order in the form, the status should be something like "Waiting" or "Ready to pay". However, instead of "Ready to pay", the status is showing the following content:

[IF(3=1,'Waiting for non-EU approval', IF(3=2,CONCAT('Waiting for approval (', IF(NOT(TRUE) && NOT(TRUE),'all approvers', IF(NOT(TRUE),'project approver', IF(NOT(TRUE),'master approver',''))), IF(NOT(ZEROIFEMPTY('1')), IF(NOT(TRUE) || NOT(TRUE),' and necessity/fund availability','necessity/fund availability'),''),')'), IF(3=3,'Waiting for director's approval', IF(3=4,'Ready to order', IF(3=5,'Waiting for partial invoice payment', IF(3=6,'Waiting for delivery', IF(3=7,'Waiting for payment', IF(3=8,'Needs inventory','Completed'))))))))] could not be calculated, begin 530, end -1, length 538

For a year, this expression worked well, but since the first of July, without any changes, this expression does not show the correct value.

Best regards,

2 answers

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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June 25, 2024


Most probably someone has changed the label to contain a quote that you actually use as an expression

,'Waiting for director's approval',

And that broke a complete expression that you are asking ConfiForms to calculate

Feel free to open a support ticket with us providing a complete configuration for the form (as page storage format) 


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Valerie Knapp
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June 25, 2024

Hi @Peiman Parsa , thanks for your question.

I have tagged confiforms in this post but you can also open a ticket to the vendor about this, as they are generally the best placed to help with this kind of question - 

Hope this helps you.


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