Confiform - Redirect via URL and pre-populate fields

VS December 15, 2020

I've 2 forms (created using confiforms) Form1 and Form2.

In Form1 I'm capturing user related information and other platform info.

Once the user submits the 1st form - they need to be redirected to Form 2 (separate form, which also has user related information to capture + other info related to the work in Form2). So when the user is redirected from Form1 to Form2 - I'm looking to populate the user info fields in Form2 (from the data provided in Form1).

Is it possible to pass the parameters/field values to the redirected form? 

I used the IFTTT redirect macro - but unable to get the field data from Form 1 to be displayed in Form2. 

Any help is appreciated.  

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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December 16, 2020


You have tagged the question with cloud/confluence-cloud, but refer to ConfiForms "Redirect to URL" IFTTT that is available only on server/dc (and not on cloud as it is quite complex to do a redirect (of the whole page) from an iframe in Confluence cloud and therefore this IFTTT type is not yet available there)

Is your question about ConfiForms for Confluence server/data center?


VS December 16, 2020

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your response. yes my bad, it is server set up (organization). 

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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December 16, 2020

OK, then you can just have a link constructed in a way that it sets the values on the form you are redirecting to

Something we show here: 

When you do construct the redirect url in IFTTT then you can always reference the field values from the record in current context via [entry.field_name] notations

And if your forms are connected through the smart fields then this makes it even easier - as all you have to pass is the record ID of the smart field

Something we have prepared a while ago for one of our customers  (I hope they dont mind and it does not seem to have any sensitive details anyway...)

Feel free to open a support ticket with us and I will provide you with storage format (configuration) for this demo


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VS December 16, 2020

hi Alex,

Perfect - that worked like a charm. Thank you so much. I was trying with the "?fieldname=[entry.field_name]"  format and it only redirected but didn't populate the field. 

Thank you so much, was wondering how to pass the form name - got that from the link you shared.

Thank you again :) 

Kind regards,


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