(Confiform): Facing issues assigning the created issue to the assign.

Reddy May 16, 2024

Newbie! Just started learning the forms. 

I created form definition and added all required field definitions. 

also added confiform field 

field name : JiraAssignee

field label : Assignee 

dropdown : will id and email of the users 


and second confiforms field with 

field name : JiraKey

field label: Deployment Request story Jira key 

field type : text 


then added IFTTT on created : action : send email 

(this is working as expected) 


then Ifttt oncreated | action : create jira issue | resultname = JIRAID AND following format 


"fields": {

#set ($RequestAsignee= “[entry.JiraAssignee]”)

"project": { "key": "QNBGLJ" },
"summary": "Deployment Request",
"description": "[entry.RequestType.escapeJSON]\n\n\n{color:red}Deploy to this [entry.Environment.escapeJSON] environment{color}\n[entry.Description.escapeJSON]",
"issuetype": { "name": "Story" },
"customfield_10006": "QNBGLJ-539",

”assignee”: {“name” : “$RequestAsignee”},
"priority": { "name": "[entry.PriorityLevel.escapeJSON]" }

( jira issue is been created) 


and added IFTTT onmodified action = send email | fire IFTTT action : Jirakey: AND !JiraAssignee: 

added email etc and this is working as expected. 

And added IFTTT onmodified/ create/ update confiforms entry. 
Fire IFTTT action : JiraKey: 

parameters : entryId=[entry.id]&JiraKey=${iftttResult_JIRAID}


qnd added remove page watcher 

and added formview…. 

so here the issue is when the form is submitted the issue is getting created in the board… 


when a user goes to stored data and edit then assign it to them… email is getting triggered saying assigned but the “BAU DEPLOYMENT REQUEST STORY JIRA KEY” is not getting created it’s just printing “${iftttResult_JIRA} and not getting assigned to the assign in the ticket… 




pleaseeee help 


1 answer

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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May 16, 2024


Could you provide a screenshot (from the editor) or a storage format for your page with this form?


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