ConfiForms: how to refer to self in transform function

AmK June 6, 2024

I have a field, call it myfield, which is type Dynamic Multi-label, which is supposed to IDs for some applications.

In Coniform Field Macro, for field name, I am trying to prepend a part of a link to each ID, which is done by doing: myfield.transform(label.prepend(*link*).asLink) 

The above works, but I want the the link to be a hyperlink with text *ID*.

So something like: myfield.transform(label.prepend(*link*).asLink(current_ID)) 

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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June 6, 2024

Dynamic fields in ConfiForms usually dont have any IDs.. that is the point of those fields - to add arbitrary values (not linking to other objects)

AmK June 6, 2024


To be more specific, if myfield has multiple data, for example the numbers: 1, 3

I want to transform it into 1, 3,

but I have to prepend something like to each number, so the value would be,

Any way to do the above?

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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June 6, 2024

Yes, of course 

Something like


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