ConfiForms Checkbox Group Validation

Franz May 7, 2024

Dear community, is it possible to make a change to the ConfiForms Field Definition for Checkbox Group Validation in order to receive additional message on your form?

In Detail: 

I use a very large Form with a lot of Checkbox Groups. There are approx 20 Categories with different Checkbox choices. As it is a tasklist, all of them should be ticked. However, due to the complexity of the process, it is not possible to manage all at once so the person should be returning to the form for the period of time (sometimes one week or more) to fulfill all the tasks.

I would like the form to be able to inform the user, that not all tasks have been completed, as long as all the boxes are not ticked. This would idealy be a field on top of the form which should display "not all tasks have been completed". If all the checkboxes are ticked, the message would be "tasks completed".

Is this possible to achieve?

Thanks in advance,


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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May 8, 2024

You can have a formula field that checks for number of selected options in the field and if that is less that total options will produce one label, or another

Or as follows, utilizing "getUnselectedOptions" function from

(assuming your checkbox group field is called yourcheckboxfield)

(IF([]>0, "not all tasks have been completed", "tasks completed"))



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