ConfiForm delete entries in nested forms

Maximilian Herbert
December 22, 2023

Hey there, hey alex :)

I have a form1 that has a field of the type smart multi row ("SMR1"). Form2 is input for SMR1.


If I create an entry in Form1 there are 1-n entries created in Form2.


Now I am struggling with the following:
When I delete the entry in Form1 the 1-n entries in Form2 wont get deleted.
As there is no link in Form2 to which of Form1 it belongs its nearly impossible for me to delete them afterwards.

Is there a possibility to get all entries in Form2 deleted when their corresponding entry in Form1 gets deleted?

Greetz Max 

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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December 22, 2023
Maximilian Herbert
December 27, 2023

Good to know that this is possible - is there a showcase /usecase somewhere to see how that works?
Gonna try it out by myself as well :)
Greetz and thanks


Maximilian Herbert
January 4, 2024

Hey Alex,

after a lot of try and error I still havent found any good solution for me.

I have 2 forms:
F1, F2


F1 has  a Smart Multi Row pointing on the fields of F2

When an entry gets created in F1 with 2 inputs on the Smart multi row, 2 entries get generated in F2 - so far so good


Now if I delete the entry in F1 I want those 2 entrys in F2 to be deleted as well.

But in both of the F2 entries there is no logical link to the "root" F1 Entry.

I thought about adding a field in the F2 that gets updated after the creation with the ID of the entry of F1 but as there is no link I cant really reliably find the right entries.


Is there any way I can set a field in F2 that is by default at the value of the ID in F1 that creates the entry?

About your tip with the join -> I cant really figure out how to do it and how this could help me :/

Greetz and happy new year tho 

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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January 4, 2024

Little demo of what I was trying to explain

with a source code (please note that you will need to reconfigure the smart field to point at your page/form (F2))

<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="7a56ed2c-d603-4504-9c6d-ba8de09414e3" ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:parameter ac:name="formName">F1</ac:parameter>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="a58b5ab2-992c-41ef-a7af-7af509ceaaaa" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">smr</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">smr</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="values">[169902260:F2]t,ta,</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="type">smartmultirow</ac:parameter>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="09dc6677-c20e-477e-bff7-e310a1d054e7" ac:name="confiform-entry-register" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="de3ee45b-3b85-4b67-9aa6-6217dd805ac2" ac:name="confiform-ifttt" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:parameter ac:name="action">Delete ConfiForms Entry</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="event">onDeleted</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="title">id:[entry.smr.transform(id).join( OR id:)]</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="who">F2</ac:parameter>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="c75d4e55-1128-4f39-bded-2ccafeaec683" ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:parameter ac:name="formName">F2</ac:parameter>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="8c3871a4-2d31-4980-b004-0f1d9b5728aa" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">t</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">t</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="type">text</ac:parameter>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="8ddb3d2e-066a-4330-b29d-5689ab980107" ac:name="confiform-field-definition" ac:schema-version="1">
<ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">ta</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="fieldLabel">ta</ac:parameter>
<ac:parameter ac:name="type">textarea</ac:parameter>

 Hope it helps


Maximilian Herbert
January 5, 2024

I mean what should I say.... THANKS(!!!) again so much. It works perfectly fine - I gotta be honest - I dont really understand the logic how it works but it obviously works!

Greetz Max

Jeff Weisman April 22, 2024

@Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ I'm having this same issue! Tried following the link to your demo but looks like it's dead. Any chance you can share the video / re-link / share directly? 🙏

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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April 22, 2024

Hi @Jeff Weisman 

There is a complete configuration as a storage format provided (few comments above). Not sure if the video is any better, but here it is;modificationDate=1713854916871&amp;api=v2

Hope it helps


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