ConfiForm: 3 Dimensional Table

Mar Demolag February 25, 2025


I am trying to make a 3 dimensional table of the following fields: Product, Mode and Feature, where the intersection between the 3 will have a status (Available, Not Available, Planned).

While Mode will have constant amount of modes, I want the user to be able to add products and features dynamically.

Currently I use one form with the product and mode  fields, and for each feature I add a field manually (of type status), and I view it like that, by adding rows manually to the outer table, and for each cell I add a tableview with filters based on the mode and feature:

Screenshot 2025-02-25 142222.png

Is there a way to create this dynamically by crossing 2-3 different forms?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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February 25, 2025

Hi @Mar Demolag 

Should probably be possible with a ListView and nesting TableView/CardViews with dynamically filtered data


Mar Demolag February 25, 2025

Thanks for the response,

When I have a table that already has all of the information, showing it is not the issue.
I can't find a way to dynamically add features/products while keeping the table fully updated at all time.

assuming we have only one mode, if I split the form to three:

1. features: name

2. products: name

3. featureperproduct: feature, product, status

if I currently have 3 products in the products form, for each feature I add to the first form, I will have to somehow add 3 different rows to the featureperproduct form. If one of them was constant, I could have just made duplicate IFTTTs that create a row, but if I work dynamically, is there a way to create several rows using 1 IFTTT?



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