Collating Tasks for a user from Confluence Tasklist Macro?

Jaskirat Baweja September 6, 2011

Is there a way to collate the tasks of a task-list assigned to a particular user on a page/space level?

1 answer

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Remo Siegwart
Rising Star
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October 31, 2011

Take a look at the Tasklist Suppliers plugin. In combination with the Reporting plugin you would then be able to create advanced reports.

If you want to get all tasks for the current user from all tasklists in all pages in a space, you can do something like this:

  {local-reporter:content:space > space:all pages}

  {date-sort:task:created date}
  {boolean-filter:task:is assignee @self|value=true}

{report-column:title=Name}%expanded:task > task:name%{report-column}
{report-column:title=Assignees}{report-info:expanded:task > task:assignees}{report-column}
{report-column:title=Priority}%expanded:task > task:priority%{report-column}
{report-column:title=Completed}%expanded:task > task:is completed%{report-column}
{report-column:title=Locked}%expanded:task > task:is locked%{report-column}
{report-column:title=Created Date}%expanded:task > task:created date > MMM d, yyyy%{report-column}
{report-column:title=Completed Date}%expanded:task > task:completed date > MMM d, yyyy%{report-column}

{report-empty}_You do not have any tasks assigned to you._{report-empty}


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