Collaboration feature

Phil Jackson December 22, 2016

Does anyone else have this issue when having collaborative mode turned on? When someone edits a page and tries to discard all the changes, they get this error? 

Can't revert to last published version

We can't get the last published version of the page at the moment. Give it a few moments then try discarding the draft again.

I am getting this error when editing pages. Has anyone seen this error and know how to resolve it?

5 answers

3 votes
Daniel Crabtree
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April 5, 2018

If you're using IIS as a reverse proxy for Confluence, I have found the answer. The documentation is wrong and you're probably missing a caret.

I've written a blog post with my solution to the can't revert to last published version problem.

David Johnson
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April 18, 2018

Thank you!

Andy Yen Suin
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October 21, 2018

This worked for me. Thank you! 

1 vote
Charlie Misonne
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March 31, 2017

Hi Phil

We are facing the same. Were you able to resolve this?

0 votes
Phil Jackson June 19, 2018

Apparently, this is the fix for the issue. I haven't tried it yet.

0 votes
Daniel Crabtree
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April 1, 2018

I've also got the same issue on a new install.

0 votes
Maryana Osipchuk March 13, 2018

Same issue, does anybody know how to resolve

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