Code block macro doesn't highlighted new pages.

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November 6, 2018

Tried below seq.

1. create new page and get into edit screen.

2. insert code block and choose SQL and write code. 

3. click publish.

attached page screen.

스크린샷 2018-11-06 오후 5.27.20.png

And could not found change theme, theme parameter removed?  
can not change theme anymore?

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 8, 2018


To confirm, you're referring to the fact that the SQL highlighting isn't working, correct?

Confluence has a new editor and this is where you are seeing those changes. At this time, only the most frequently used languages are supported. We hope to be able to release more languages as time goes on, but they're being limited now due to performance issues.

In addition, themes are not currently supported on the new editor.

You can submit your feedback regarding the new editor via the Submit feedback menu you see when clicking on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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