Changing the home page from a confluence space

Bernardo San Juan September 18, 2015

Dear Atlassian community,

I would like to change the "Home page" from a space, the one that is automatically created along with the space when first created. (see photo below):

page tree home.PNG


What I want to achieve with this is to change the name of the person who created it, the "created by.." information  (see photo below):

Created by ....PNG


I thought that by changing the home page of the space and creating one myself, then my name or whoever's name created this page will be there instead of the one that is now there as it can not be change it. We want to change the name of the home page of the space without having to create a new space. 

Any idea anybody? is it possible to create a new page and transform this new page within the same space into the "home" page from this same space??

Best regards to all

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David September 18, 2015


You can do this in the space tools -> overview -> Edit space details.

There you can choose which page becomes your homepage. So in your case you can create a new page and assign it as your new home page. Bear in mind that by doing this, your entire page tree will not be displayed anymore as it will be located under the original home page. But you can move this too.

On the top left go to  pages, then on the top right go to Browse and reorganize pages and just drag and drop the tree to your new homepage.

Bernardo San Juan September 18, 2015

You rule, very well explained and easy to understand. Many thks!!

David September 18, 2015

Your welcome :-) If I may, in you question title, add "How do I..." It is then easier to find your question for future users.

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April 13, 2017

Thanks for this answer David! I was stunned to find it so easily and it solved my problem exactly (though it wasn't immedaitely clear on how to get to Space Tools -> Overview to find the Edit Space Details option.

(I found it in Spaces -> Space directory and accessing the i in circle (info icon) in the space I was looking to fix.


I thought it was odd I couldn't find the Edit Space from anywhere in the space -- even within the Pages view of the space where I find the Browse and reorder all pages link. )

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Christine Sorenson September 8, 2017

So having done all this as described above - the tree didn't nicely move, took a lot of fussing. How do I get rid of the OLD front page?

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Christine Sorenson September 8, 2017

Also by doing this the home page URL for the wiki has now changed. How do I get the home page URL to be what it used to be?

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