Hi everyone,
I have 2 forms:
The first form has a lot of fields which are populated after submission.
The second form has a smartfield which references the unique id of the request created when first form is submitted.
I am trying and failing to -
Change a field on the first form when the second form is submitted based on the unique id selected in the second form (smartfield).
Example -
Submit first form : Creates a request with unique id "Help75" and field with value "Pending"
Open second form : Options include smartfield which allows selection of "Help75"
Submit second form: Creates its own request and also edits Help75 field from "Pending" to "Sent" via an IFTTT
Can anyone help with the values I would need in the IFTTT please - I just can't seem to get them right.
So, the question is how to update the record in the form 1, while making a submit in form 2?
You can set up an IFTTT to do that https://wiki.vertuna.com/display/CONFIFORMS/Configuring+ConfiForms+IFTTT+actions+and+rules#ConfiguringConfiFormsIFTTTactionsandrules-UpdateConfiFormsEntriesbyFilter
smart field in form 2 has the reference to a record in form 1, so the filter to apply would be something like
Yeah I currently have
Event: On Created
Fire IFTTT: Requesttype:1 (a dropdown on the second form)
Parameters to set on the entry ProposalStatus=5 (corresponds to "Sent" on first form dropdown)
Filter to apply before update: id:[entry.issue] (issue is the smartfield referencing the first form unique id)
Submitting the second form is doing all the things I want it to do - apart from updating the original request with the "Sent" value
I also had the original form and pageID in "Reference to form and its location (pageId)" and it didn't make any difference.
I'm lost.
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Hard to tell seeing only this part, but you can enable debug logging for IFTTTs to see what is going on https://wiki.vertuna.com/display/CONFIFORMS/How+to+troubleshoot+and+debug+ConfiForms+IFTTT+rules+execution
For me this looks correct (as much as I understand)
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I also have a "send email" IFTTT which is working and a "Create Jira Issue" IFTTT which is working
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I read some of the other "Update Entry" threads on here and tried to replicate them but I just can't seem to get the value to change on my "Help75" request.
It is still showing as "Pending" after submission of second form.
Thanks for taking the time to assist
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Are you updating the SparksRadar form? Is it possible for you to share the complete configuration of these forms?
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On submission of the SparksRadar form I want it to update the field in a request created by another form - which is reference by a smartfield in the SparksRadar form to the unique id created on submission of the other form.
I know there is a link missing somewhere in what I am doing , I just can't figure out the disconnect
I had the original form and pageID in "Reference to form and its location (pageId)" in the IFTTT
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So, what form should the IFTTT update? A different one? If you dont specify the form then it will attempt to update the "same form " where the event is happening
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Do I specify the other form in the IFTTT for "Update Confiform by filter" (I have added it now but hasn't changed anything)?
How do I get the IFTTT to specify the other form?
As you said the debug keeps showing me the "SparksRadar" as opposed to the other form - even when I specify Form and PageID as the other form
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You specify that in this parameter
In the format of
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I have done this and it still isn't working
Form name and pageId are correct.
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Honestly I dont know - share the complete configuration and that might help me to help you
I have recorded a small video - very simple set up in my opinion
Hope it helps to spot the issue in your configuration
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Based on your video the only thing that can be wrong is my pageId.
The form I want to edit is on a child page but how do I get the correct pageid when the URL is only showing the page name and page source is only giving me the pageId of the parent page ?
Thank you so much for your time and patience on this - it's really appreciated, this is driving me nuts :)
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This is the easiest way to get the page id https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/how-to-get-confluence-page-id-648380445.html
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Hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ ,
Embarrassingly after combing through my IFTTTs etc after looking at your video I found the issue - funnily enough it was that I was spelling my field in the filter as "issue" with lower case i instead of upper case I.
Your solution above works perfectly.
Thanks for your assistance and patience
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