Cant start

Chris Danks
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November 6, 2018



When we visit our confluence URL we get error:


Database: Database connection failed

Confluence failed to establish a connection to your database.
This could be because:


  • Your database isn't running
  • The configuration of your confluence.cfg.xml file is incorrect (user, password, or database URL etc.)
  • There is a network issue between Confluence and your database (e.g. firewall, database doesn't allow remote access etc.)



I tried forcing an upgrade but the error still comes.

its only today we have this issue.


We use the H2 DB and not an external source like MySQL.

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November 6, 2018

H2 DB is very problematic and not stable. If this is a production instance I suggest setting up an external database (like you mentioned for example MySQL) and use it instead. If everything was working and now it is not it is common situation that from day to day it just stop working...

I hope you have backups. If not and you would still not able to startup your instance you can try to recover, but it is not trivial. Some people create a special script to handle that. Maybe it could be useful for you or someone else

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