Cannot login Captcha is not working

NicoDeluxe January 16, 2019



i can not login anymore (admin, no other user registred) in confluence.


When i login it asks for the captcha, i insert it and it ask for a new captcha :/ 

This is really really anoying!!!!!!

I tried to reset cookies but i can not login and dont know why!

Please help me

2 answers

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Nico January 17, 2019

there was a wrong proxy name in the server.xml

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 16, 2019

This behaviour means one of three things (but annoyingly will not tell you which one)

  • Your password is wrong
  • Your Captcha entry is wrong
  • The system can't connect to the user directory to confirm your credentials

You will need to read the application log to find out which one it is.

NicoDeluxe January 16, 2019

Hi, Thalbach There is Nö log weiteren :(

password is correct

catpcha is correct 

when i wann to connect jira with confluence, i geht an error that it is not reachable, but it is!


so it could be that confluence cannot connect to jira ? How to dix

NicoDeluxe January 16, 2019

In Jira i got the following error when creating a link to wiki

Caused by: com.atlassian.applinks.core.manifest.AppLinksManifestDownloader$ManifestGotRedirectedException: manifest got redirected


May thats the reason why it cant connect from cofluence to jira?

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