Cannot create Clone

Iro Karavasili November 28, 2018

Hello all, 

A Jira user is facing a cloning issue. 
When user tries to create a clone (More > Clone), the following error appears:



Thanks in advance,


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Manon Soubies-Camy
Community Leader
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November 28, 2018

Hello @Iro Karavasili,

Could this be related to this bug: Cloning an issue that contains required field displays a generic workflow error instead of the required fields message? Could you check if there is any required field/condition/validator to create an issue in this project?

Hope this helps!

- Manon

Iro Karavasili November 28, 2018

@Manon Soubies-Camy,
I have checked validators/conditions etc and as far as I can see everything seems ok.

I will open a ticket to Atlassian support and I will post their final answer here.

Thank you,

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